This collection was truly extraordinary. There were many relics of Shakyamuni Buddha and of the Buddha's well-known disciples - Maudgalyayana, Ananda and Sariputra -as well as relics of many other saints and spiritual masters from the Chinese, Indian and Tibetan traditions. Many living Buddhist masters from a number of traditions and countries, including Burma, Indonesia, Thailand, Tibet and Taiwan, have donated relics to be placed in the Heart Shrine of the Maitreya Project statue, including the relics of Shakyamuni Buddha which were offered by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The trip was highlighted by a blessing given to all Dhamma Wheel members by Bhante Dhammawansha.
Click On Thumbnails To View Details Of Relics
Bhante Dhammawansha Blesses Dhamma Wheel Members
Scenes From Around The Temple